Email, Messaging & Communication
Staying abreast of all the different communication methods relating to a booking is becoming increasingly difficult with the increasing range of communication options. Our travel technology solution has been designed to make tracking communications simple.
Internal Messaging & Chat
The system provides an internal chat feature which allows all registered users on the system to communicate with each other whilst logged in.
Booking related Emails
In larger organisations with big teams, it is essential that all staff have the ability access communications related to a booking. This is particular relevant when the staff member originating the communication is not available because of their shift schedule. Storing all communications within a booking record allows any team member to access the communications related to a booking.
Client: All emails between the client and your organisation will be stored within the booking folder under the email tab. This allows any user within the company to identify all communications and take actions without having to wait for another staff member to check their individual emails.
Supplier: All communications to suppliers regarding a booking are also stored within the booking record. This allows all users to see of supplier requests have been confirmed and any other communication from the supplier related to an item within the booking record.
Telephone calls
Whilst most travel companies now operate telephone recording systems, finding a call to verify what was said is always an arduous task. If your company uses our telephony solutions, every call made or received by one of your staff can be linked to a booking folder. All staff will see a pop-up window whenever they make or receive a call which requires them to reference the call to a booking record or identify what the call relates to.
When an issue arises, you can instantly view the calls related to a booking within the booking folder and click on the link to listen to the call.